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It’s National Coaches Week 2024 all this week and we want to take time to celebrate and showcase the coaches and teachers who step up to lead athletes, players, teams & programs; who inspire us to be our best; and who help us to push our comfort zones in the world of sport, recreation and play. We also invite you to check out our #SWSCD #WomenCoachesCircle Activity page (link in bio) where you’ll find helpful links to stories, resources, sport organizations and more related to coaching. Thankful. Grateful. Full of appreciation. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #ThanksCoach #CoachesWeek #NationalCoachesWeek2024 #SheCanCoach
#SWSCD is excited to once again provide support for the 2nd Annual Women In Sport Weekend presented by the Town of Aurora and the Coaches Association of Ontario. An excellent opportunity to begin to build or enhance your sport leadership skills and your fundamental knowledge of sport movement. Register today and take an important step in developing and growing your skills and competencies as a sport leader. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #WomenInSport #WINS #WomenCoachesCircle #SheCanCoach #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #TownOfAurora #CoachesAssociationOfOntario #SWSCDWomensCircles
RT @townofinnisfil: Level up your leadership with HIGH FIVE Principles of Healthy Child Development training! This course teaches how to ru…
Thank you to allisonforsyth (ITP Sport & Recreation) for a meaningful conversation around Safe Sport at auroratownsquare last week. Thank you to all of the Local Sport Organizations and Community Partners for attending this overdue conversation around maltreatment in sport. In alignment with our Sport Plan, the Town is committed to proving educational workshops and sessions to our sport and recreation community. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to get involved! Visit aurora.ca/sport for more details. Thank you to the Women’s Coaching Circle, seewhatshecando, City of Markham, Town of Stouffville and townofaurora for making this session possible. Thank you to Caterina’s Kitchen for providing lunch. #supportinglocal #aurora #auroraproud #safesport #sport #safesportlearning #seewhatshecando #communityworkshops
RT @AfLResources: Coaches: Do you have a solid, clear coaching philosophy? Has it been communicated to all involved in the sport you're coa…
RT @VolleyballBC: Calling all aspiring coaches! 🏐 Applications are now OPEN for multiple coaching positions with our Team BC Selects 18U a…
RT @HIGHFIVE_Canada: Upcoming HIGH FIVE Canada virtual training opportunities: Principles of Healthy Child Development (in French!) 📅 July…
Congratulations to the Town of Aurora on hosting an excellent LeadHER Play Day Camp for girls 8-13 years old. A full day of fun, friendship, learning, and inspiration for all who participated. A great initiative to get girls inspired to learn new ways to move, lead and connect with others. #SWSCD was pleased to be able to do our part to support this amazing program along with Participaction and the Centre for Immigrant & Community Services. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #TownOfAurora #LeadHER #SportPlan #LetsAllPlay #CommunityCounts #SupportLocalSports
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