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Wishing all participating teams the best of luck and the best of fun at this weekend's Dodgeball Ontario's Provincial Championships happening in the City of Ottawa at the University of Ottawa's Montpetit Fitness Centre. If you can't watch in person, then be sure to watch all the action through #DodgeballOntario 's new Youtube channel partnership https://Dodgeball.LIVE . If you haven't ever had the chance to watch #Dodgeball before, we highly recommend you take in the action this weekend live or online. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #SWSCD #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #GrowDevelopPlay #WatchHerPlay #CheerHerOn #SupportLocalSports #SupportLocalBiz #CommunityCounts #WomensDodgeball
BEFORE 🆚 AFTER the game So impressed seeing these ladies battle it out on the court with the overwhelming heat of the facilities (I’m so sorry I missed getting Karine’s after shot!) #teamcanada #dodgeball #dodgeballcanada #seewhatshecando #wdbf #wdbf2024 #austria #canada #sportcqn #womeninsport #graz #worldchampionship
Registration is now open for Ontario's 2024 #dodgeball provincial championships hosted by Dodgeball Ontario. Find lots more details below. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #WatchHerPlay #CheerHerOn #SupportLocalSports #SupportLocalBiz #CommunityCounts #DodgeballOntario
Individual registration is now open for the DOWN Women's Draft Tournament - July 23rd in Hamilton. 🟢 Open to all skill levels 🟢 Foam format with DOWN rules Click the link in our bio to register. Teams will be created with a balance of skill levels. Registration closes July 11 or earlier if the event is sold out. #dodgeball #dodgeballontario #womeninsport #seewhatshecando
Congratulations to all the successful teams competing at Dodgeball Ontario's Provincial Championships this past weekend in Kingston that will now go on to Montreal to compete in Dodgeball Canada's National #Dodgeball Championships in early April. Well done. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #DodgeballOntario #DodgeballCanada #ONProvincialChampionships #WatchHerPlay #CheerHerOn #CommunityCounts #SupportLocalSports
3. 2. 1. ... DODGEBALL! After a long hiatus we are so excited to be back on the court this weekend. Join us in person (free admission) or online on Twitch. #dodgeball #dodgeballontario #dodgeballathlete #discoverontario #visitkingston #provincialchampionships #sport #truesport #dodgeballttv #seewhatshecando
Congrats to #dodgeballON for hosting a successful Prov Chmpshps this past weekend. Lots great #dodgeball on display. Congrats to the top 3 and top 4 women’s & men’s teams who earned a spot at @DodgeCan Nat’l Chmpshps in Edmonton. #swscd #TeamReckless #TeamValkryie #TeamUnleashed https://t.co/ZT1PqY4sUZ
Catch the rest of our conversation with j_l_hodge of the_wod_pod where we dive into the importance of representation, safe sport, and developing a positive culture where anyone can thrive. . . . . . #dodgeball #dodgeballontario #playlikeagirl #podcast #safesport #seewhatshecando #qualitysport #womeninsport #shes4sports
Dodgeball Ontario had the opportunity to chat with j_l_hodge of the_wod_pod to discuss the Dodgeball Ontario Women's Network and experiences as women on and off the court. Board members by.brennan and biancasegatto provide their insights part 1 of this feature! (Part 2 coming soon!) . . . . . #dodgeballontario #dodgeball #podcast #womenandsport #sport #athletedevelopment #justwomenssports #seewhatshecando #playlikeagirl
Wait until you see what Dodgeball Ontario has planned. Just because COVID-19 has taken us off the courts (temporarily) doesn’t mean we can’t have fun anymore! Stay tuned... 📸: gabrielgarethfoo • • • • • #dodgeball #dodgeballontario #dodgeballathlete #womenofdodgeball #shecanplay #WDBF #dodgeballtournament #seewhatshecando #sportcanada #ontarioathlete #dodgeballottawa #womeninsport
Lots of ways to watch Dodgeball Ontario's Provincial Championships this weekend if you can't make it to Kingston to be there in person. Check out all the details below. Wishing all teams participating this weekend the best of luck and the best of memories. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #DodgeballOntario #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #WatchHerPlay #CheerHerOn #CommunityCounts #SupportLocalSports #SupportLocalBiz
Happening now until Saturday @ the Markham Pan Am Ctr -#WorldDodgeball2017. Watch lighting fast, strategic teamwork. #seewhatshecando https://t.co/aKM3Gw77B7
Volunteers needed! If you've ever wanted the chance to broadcast #dodgeball, this is your chance! More details below. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #DodgeballOntario #CommunityCounts #SupportLocalSports
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