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Grab your sticks, skates, helmets, hot shots and gloves. Outdoor rinks are now open in and around the Town of Aurora. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #TownOfAurora #KeepActive #BeAnOutsider #TrySomethingNew #OutsideFunWithFamilyAndFriends
💬 "There were so many times where I felt I was not good enough, but if I could show my 10-year-old self how far we have come, and how much we achieved, they would be so proud." Reka Somogyi (⛸️), wloowarriors On this #InternationalDayOfTheGirlChild, hear thoughts and messages that some of our #OUA women student-athletes would have for their 10-year-old selves about playing and staying in sport. #WeAreONE #DayOfTheGirl #SeeWhatSheCanDo
Congratulations to American figure skater, Timothy LeDuc, who is set to become the first OPENLY non-binary athlete to compete at an Olympic Winter Games. They told NBC Sports “my hope is that when people see my story, it isn’t focused on me and saying ‘Oh, Timothy is the first out non-binary person to achieve this level of success in sport’.” Timothy and their partner Ashley Cain-Gribble won the US national championships pairs title this weekend. • Earlier this year, Canadian soccer player, thequinny5, became the first openly trans and non-binary athlete to win an Olympic medal.🏅 • #olympics #nationals #equal #evenstrength #community #canada #canadian #american #figureskate #transgender #nonbinary #community #athlete #podcast #pod #evenstrengthpod #swscd
RT @TownofWhitby: ⛸️ TOMORROW - Bring the family to the Luther Vipond Memorial Arena for a free public skate, sponsored by @brooklinfair.…
RT @townofinnisfil: Bundle up and hit the ice this season! The outdoor rink at Cookstown Community Park (20 Church Street) and skating trai…
RT @cityofmarkham: Nothing says Winter like an evening skate! All 5 natural ice rinks are now open throughout the City. Always check ope…
RT @TorontoPFR: Friday, January 10, 2025 Dieppe Park 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday, January 11, 2025 Ethennonnhawahstihnen’ Park Noon to 6:30 p.m.…
Happy 2021! We’re back with a brand new episode and very excited to welcome Dr. William Bridel from ucalgaryknes to the show. He specializes in socio-cultural studies of sport, physical activity, and the body; and gender and sexuality in sport and the larger social context. We talk about his academic expertise, his work with skate_canada, and his own experiences as a competitive figure skater. Links in bio! 🇨🇦⛸ #episode #podcast #pod #figureskating #skating #inclusive #skate #kinesiology #inclusivity #gender #sexuality #womeninspiringwomen #womeninsports #canadian #canada #community #specialolympics #sport #seewhatshecando #SWSCD
Lots more details regarding Skate Canada / Patinage Canada's 2023 Canadian Tire National Skating Championships can be found below. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #2023CanadianTireNationalChampionships #GetInspired #BeCelebrated #SupportLocalSports #CommunityCounts #CheerLoudCheerProud
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