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RT @xsun2368: WVB Feature: @McMasterSports realizes its potential into OUA Finals. Story:https://t.co/YgONJCYYWB Photos: @BraydenSwire +…
eycentre #seewhatshecando
Time is running out to register for this year's ALS Double Play #SpikeALS Co-Ed #Volleyball Tournament. Both recreation and competitive teams are welcome. Grab your friends and plan to play with purpose in helping to support ALS research and awareness next Saturday April 27th. Find lots more details at the event link below. Sign up today. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #ALSDoublePlay #GetInspired #KeepActive #PlayWithPurpose #LetsAllPlay #CommunityCounts #ThePowerOfMany https://www.seewhatshecando.com/events/30642 Want to know more about the back story on ALS Double Play and see how much fun you can have at the SpikeALS tourney? We invite you to head to our two #SWSCD stories below to do just that. https://www.seewhatshecando.com/discover/als-double-play-leveraging-the-power-of-purposeful-play-and-meaningful-movement https://www.seewhatshecando.com/discover/spike-als-als-double-play-s-annual-co-ed-volleyball-tourney-is-back
More action here at eycentre for the OVA provincials #ova_updates #seewhatshecando
RT @nulakers: The #Lakers W🏐 team is excited and proud to announce the addition of athletic and versatile recruit, Libby Spence. She will j…
RT @USPORTSca: WVBALL 🏐 Classements U SPORTS Rankings: @BearsandPandas #️⃣1️⃣ #ChaseTheGlory | #ViserHaut @CanadaWest | @OUAsport | @RSEQ…
As Day 2 comes to an end, I hope everyone is enjoying their time in Ottawa ova_updates 2024 Provincials. More action tomorrow! #seewhatshecando
This week, #SWSCD and the Ontario University Athletics share some advice from #OUA student-athletes for someone just starting in their sport of #volleyball. Visit the link in our bio to learn more about the journeys of student-athletes and stay tuned for continued insights, thoughts, and stories in the weeks to come as part of the #SeeHowSheGotStarted initiative. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #WeAreONE #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #KnowTheirBackStory #CheerHerOn #WatchHerPlay #GottaSeeItToBeIt https://www.seewhatshecando.com/discover/see-how-she-got-started-showcasing-the-oua-s-talented-student-athletes
RT @queensgaels: International volleyball at the ARC! 🇨🇦 Tourism Kingston, Volleyball Canada, Queen’s Athletics & Recreation, and the Kin…
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