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RT @WorldRowing: Indoor rowing is for everyone, regardless of your age or experience! #WRICH #WRIndoorChamps https://t.co/LniVF1KQiq
RT @WlooWarriors: Two thumbs up for Nationals!! 👍 👍 Rowing's push for gold begins on Saturday, as they head to Victoria, B.C. for the Cana…
Learn in your own boat from a certified coach.
💬 "I would make sure that my 10-year-old self knows about the joy that my sport gives me." Elise Shupe (🏊♀️), mcmastersports This week, the #OUA and seewhatshecando share some words of wisdom from our women student-athletes in rowing, squash, and swimming to their 10-year-old selves. Visit the link in our bio for more and stay tuned for continued insights, thoughts, and stories in the weeks to come as part of the 'See How She Got Started' initiative. #WeAreONE #SeeWhatSheCanDo
RT @WorldRowing: And today’s medal Finals are underway! Catch them LIVE on https://t.co/x0dMTWkgXA #WRCHStCatharines #WRChamps
RT @WorldRowing: 🚩 A-FINAL : Lightweight Women’s Single Sculls (LW1x) 🥇 Ionela Livia Cozmiuc, Romania 🥈 Zoi Fitsiou, Greece 🥉 Siobhan Mc…
Before my accident I was a competitive boxer. I was an Ontario Provincial Champion🏆. I’ve always been a fighter👊. REMEMBER, that NOTHING can strip this from your heart❤️ or human spirit. 🥊No matter the struggle, that knocks you to the ground daily… 💪GET UP, to start a new day. 🥊No matter the obstacle that throws you back on the ropes… 💪KEEP pushing forward. 🥊No matter the daily chronic pain you suffer, that hits you like a flurry of punches to the skull… 💪KEEP fighting back, because YOU’RE worth it! #alwaysafighter🇮🇪☘️🩸🥊 #inchbyinch #sharestrength #grit #keeppushing #keepgoing #keepgrowing #beastmode #beyourself #stillbreathing #spreadingpositivity #daybyday #newdayeveryday #mentalgains #thestruggleneverstops #deepbreaths #seewhatshecando #flexforaccess #teaminfint
Just stick with it. What seems hard now, will be your warm up one day!💪 #keepgoing #keepgrowing #teamwwar #teaminfinit #lasvegas #parasport #sporttherapy #seewhatshecando #flexforaccess
Did you catch our last episode? 👀 Links in bio to listen to Nicole talk about her business, hairstrongband! Learn about rowing, balancing life, and being an entrepreneur in this action-packed episode. 💪✨ #sports #women #womeninspiringwomen #womensupportingwomen #equal #evenstrength #evenstrengthpod #pod #podcast #community #seewhatshecando #entrepreneur #rowing #business #womenbusinessowners
New year, new you. Take a look at our upcoming learn to row sessions, taking place in April. Join us & #PullTogether in 2020! http://www.argonautrowingclub.com/learn-to-row/
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