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CANCELLED! Due to poor trail conditions, tomorrow's #SWSCD Women & Dogs Group Community Hike with Muttz with Mannerz has had to be cancelled. We apologize for the last-minute decision but the extreme weather we've had over the last few days have made the trails unsafe for person or pup. Thanks so much for your understanding. Safety first. Plan to join us for our April Community Hike happening Saturday April 12th from 9-10am at York Region (The Regional Municipality of York)'s Eldred King Forest. Head to the link below to register. We look forward to seeing you soon. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #MuttzWithMannerz #KeepActive #WomenAndDogs #SWSCDWomensCircles #CommunityCounts #BeAnOutsider https://www.seewhatshecando.com/events/30649
An absolutely glorious morning to be together for our October #SWSCD Women & Dogs Circle Community Hike at the @townofaurora ‘s #SheppardsBushConservationArea along with our friends at @muttzwithmannerz . Thank you to all who were able to join us. Register for our final 2024 #WomenAndDogs Community Hike in November through the link in our bio. We’d love to see you. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #MuttzWithMannerz #SWSCDWomensCircles #CommunityCounts #KeepActive #BeAnOutsider #TownOfAurora
A great #SWSCD Women & Dogs Circle Group walk in the woods this past Saturday with Muttz with Mannerz. Thank you to all who joined us. This was our last scheduled #WomenAndDogs scheduled for 2024. We’re currently working hard to determine the group’s schedule of events for 2025. Watch for more updates on this page. We also invite you to join our group through the link provided below. Once you’ve joined the group, you’ll receive notices directly to your email mailbox of all of our upcoming events. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #MuttzWithMannerz #SWSCDWomensCircles #CommunityCounts #JoinInTheFun https://www.seewhatshecando.com/groups/dogcircle
Come & enjoy the beauty of @YorkRegionGov’s #EldredKingForest tract this upcoming Saturday with #SWSCD & #MuttzWithMannerz for our June #WomenAndDogs Community Hike. Register today - link in bio. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #SWSCDWomensCircles #CommunityCounts #TrySomethingNew #BeAnOutsider https://t.co/Z89wGolhQP
A perfect day for a walk in the woods with our #SWSCD Women & Dogs Circle Group and together with @muttzwithmannerz . Thanks to all who joined us this past Saturday morning. It’s always wonderful to see familiar faces and meet new friends as well as enjoy the beauty of nature that was also in bloom along the trail. Happy summer and we’ll see you in September. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #MuttzWithMannerz #SWSCDWomensCircles #CommunityCounts #BeAnOutsider #WomenAndDogs #EldredKingForest #YorkRegion #YorkRegionForests
RT @LifesavingON: Since 2011, over 16 people have fatally drowned in Canada trying to save their pets. Be a #WaterSmart pet owner, get your…
Still time to join #SWSCD and #MuttzWithMannerz for our May #WomenAndDogs Community Forest Hike next Saturday morning at @YorkRegionGovt’s Sheppard’s Bush CA in the @Town_of_Aurora. Link in bio. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #SWSCDWomensCircles #CommunityCounts #TrySomethingNew #BeAnOutsider https://t.co/59sIZMFQos
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