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Week 21: Grace D. (gracedafoe) is on the Canadian National Skeleton team! She is currently ranked 5th in Canada and has won 2 North American Cup gold medals! She was also involved in various sports, but her passion was figure skating, where she competed at the provincial level for many years. She works with Classroom Champions and is an ambassador for kidsportcalgary. She is also passionate about making sport systems more accessible, especially funding! * * RESOURCE RECOMMENDATION 💻 Site: gracedafoe.ca * * Read her full story on our site: www.leadthrusport.ca/52strong * * * * #52strong #skeleton #teamcanada #funding #access #volunteer #seewhatshecando
RT @CBCOlympics: Toronto's Cynthia Appiah wins monobob silver for her first World Cup medal of the season 🥈🇨🇦 https://t.co/WRc2bO2ser http…
Happening tonight! - A great virtual learning opportunity from Avalanche Canada to be in the know on how to keep yourself and those around you safe this season in the backcountry. Register now for #AvalancheCanada 's tonight's online workshop. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #AvalancheAwareness #BeInTheKnowInTheBackCountry #SafetyFirst #KeepActive #BePreparedBeAware #OutdoorAdventure
Week 5: Sasha S. (bossladysk8) is a multi-sport athlete, but she has been skateboarding since she was 13! She opened her skateboard shop (blisssk8shop) and has been a big part of the community. Her biggest passion is being a community activist within the skateboard community/industry and helping people in need. She teaches others to skateboard, host events and hold giveaways!! Check out her Boards in the Hood program to engage youth in skateboarding based activities! * * RESOURCE RECOMMENDATION: 🛹 Boards in the Hood Program * * Read her full story on our site: www.leadthrusport.ca/52strong * * * * #52strong #skateboard #leader #helpingothers #altruism #entrepreneur #shoplocal #seewhatshecando
RT @Sport_Durham: Shelley-Ann Brown (Pickering) won a silver medal in two-woman bobsleigh at the 2010 Winter Olympics. She earned a BSc in…
Be Avalanche Aware - especially this year! Here's a great chance to gain some valuable and potentially lifesaving avalanche awareness knowledge tonight at 7pm PT from Avalanche Canada as part of their 2023 - 2024 Webinar Series. Skiers should be doubly aware of the challenges and dangers of skiing in the backcountry during the month of March. Find lots more details below and registration links. Sign up for the webinar now and be in the know. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #AvalancheAwareness #SafetyFirst #BeInTheKnowInTheBackCountry #KnowYourSnowPackFacts #CommunityCounts
RT @TownOfAjax: ❄️ Did you know that the Town offers snowshoe rentals at no cost so residents can enjoy outdoor recreation? Now that winter…
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