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RT @BehindHelmet: Melissa Kozyra enjoyed a remarkable weekend at the Las Vegas GP, securing back-to-back runner-up finishes in the Shell-AM…
Delaware Speedway Night #2 Rolling off 7th for the feature event, I was hoping for a top 5 finish. Unfortunately racing things happened. When mistakes are made at high speeds on a big track the consequences are often times disastrous. This was the case last night, many cars destroyed in the biggest wreck I’ve seen in awhile. It sucks we were one of them, quite possibly suffering the worst amount of damage of everyone. I chose my words carefully, because I’ve been on both ends of situations like this, I know how that driver feels, and I also know that driver is a friend of mine. My heart is broken for all of my supporters. This is probably the first time I have to say I’m not certain we can be ready to continue before the next event. As always we will do what we can do, the body is a time consuming project, the panels needed aren’t a phone call away, and this type of craftsmanship can’t be rushed. Thanks to all the boys Kelly D Balson, Joe Balson, Graham Knowlton, Lyndon and Debbie Paradis, Graham T. Annis. Thanks to everyone that got us here this weekend: London Recreational Racing Mike Schmidt Qwick Wick Firestarters Frank Wall and Dave Lloyd Fix It Females Luxe Beauty Boutique Bowmanville Brighton Speedway Angela Rinaldi Hampton General Store Rahim Ramal Cochrane Automotive Rod Cochrane AM Roofing Andrew Kamrath TrueNorthTradecraft #seewhatshecando GTA Racing Design Waycred and Mannheim Apex Cam and Graydon at Stickers n’ scuffs
Sunset Speedway June 25, 2022 Definitely a hot one at Sunset Speedway, I had a quicker car for the heats than we showed, picked up a 2nd and 4th and it was enough to put us in the invert for the feature. Started 4th and had a really good car. An unfortunate misjudgment on my part, sent us to the rear. It’s one of those do I leave it in, do I not situations, I tried to back out of it, didn’t end well for either for us. Probably should have left in but it would have made for a rougher pass than the end result. Charged back through the field and ended up 5th or 6th, a funky transponder again stopped working during the feature….I’m gonna have to get off my wallet and get a new one I guess! Thanks to Kelly D Balson, Joe Balson, Lyndon Paradis, John Pollock, and Graham Knowlton for slaving away on two cars all day! I know I didn’t make it easy 😕 The 2022 Support Crew, thank you for all you do for us! London Recreational Racing - Mike Cochrane Automotive Qwick Wick Firestarters - Frank and Dave Fix It Females #fixitfemales Luxe Beauty Boutique #luxebowmanvile Mannheim Apex - Waycred Hampton General Store - Rahim GTA Racing Desing AM Roofing Brighton Speedway - Angela True North Tradecraft #seewhatshecando
Sauble Speedway 3rd in heat one and 1st in heat two. We lined up 4th for the feature, the car was fast and we just ended up in a tangled mess battling for position. A disappointing end to the night for sure. As much as I was in a bit of cranky mood after the feature, I was able to snap out of it fairly quickly……Paige, Odessa, Danica and a few other young girls I met in the pits after…..you made my night all better ❤️ We will be ready for Sunset this weekend. Thanks to Kelly D Balson, Joe Balson and Graham T. Annis for working away on it on Sunday and today. Thanks to Lyndon, Deb and Graham Knowlton for all your help over the weekend…..so 🥶 chilly! Thank you to all my supporters this year, you all have been amazing! London Recreational Racing - Mike Cochrane Automotive Qwick Wick Firestarters - Frank and Dave Fix It Females Luxe Beauty Boutique #luxebowmanvile Mannheim Apex - Waycred Hampton General Store - Rahim GTA Racing Desing AM Roofing Brighton Speedway - Angela True North Tradecraft #seewhatshecando 📸 Katie’s Race Car Photography #drivelikeagirl #oscaar #hotrod #camaro #babenetwork
RT @BehindHelmet: Swiss driver Karen Gaillard made history as the first woman to win the Porsche Junior Shootout, earning a spot in the com…
This is so exciting to see. Congratulations ParettaAutosport on this important and historical moment in auto racing and motorsports. #seewhatshecando #SheCanDriveFast
Congratulations to Amanda Balson who won the checkered flag in one of her two Late Model Division races this past Saturday at Peterborough Speedway . Great job Amanda. Well done. #seewhatshecando
Good luck to Amanda Balson tonight at Peterborough Speedway! The late models will be running two features tonight. If your in the area , get to the track and cheer her on , it's going to be a beautiful night!
A tough start for @16racer on the oval yesterday at the @townofinnisfil’s #SunsetSpeedway. Mech. issues after the 1st lap. But Amanda dug deep, restarted in 26th & passed 15 cars in 27 laps to finish the #OSCAAR Hot Rods 30 lap main event. #seewhatshecando #charactercounts https://t.co/o0QNuNFfBH
Thank you so much Karkoulas Sisters Racing - KSR and Rebecca Karkoulas for the amazing shout out. We sincerely appreciated the opportunity to meet the KSR Racing/ BAILEY MOTORSPORTS team this past Saturday’s Canadian Snowcross Racing Association (CSRA) FXR Kawartha Cup at the Lindsay Exhibition grounds to begin our journey in learning all there is to know about #snowcrossracing. Also excited for the opportunity to work together to get lots of other women and girls to join in on the adventure of learning lots more about this amazing sport. Congratulations to all three girls for their racing success this past weekend. The #SWSCD toque looks great. #seewhatshecando
Wishing our good friend & #SWSCD super supporter @16racer Amanda Balson good luck at today’s @townofinnisfil #SunsetSpeedway. She will take the outside pole position in their featured #OSCAAR Hot Rods race. #seewhatshecando #shelovesspeed @LondonRecRacing @cochraneauto @Innisfil https://t.co/2ICYzOpB21
May 21-22, 2022 Sunset Speedway Race Report A great weekend at the thrill on the hill! Our #16 London Recreational Racing Chevy has officially worked out her bugs and we are looking forward to the rest of the season! Saturday’s Qualifying went well, started 4th and moved up to finish 2nd in round one. Sunday’s Qualifier had us 3rd on the grid and we ended up earning our first heat win of the season. Our qualifying effort put in the redraw and I pulled a 4. The green dropped and I got a little stuck behind slower cars, I was eventually able to break free and continue to make up ground. Contact was made as I was working the high side for position, it caused my car to jump out of gear (yikes) I lost a bunch of spots but managed to slam in back into 3rd and get going again (possibly hollered a “yay me” at myself going into one) Unfortunately for me, the race was caution free and I had to dig pretty hard to make up ground. I got back up to 4th, knocking on 3rds door at the line! I’ve got a great car this season and a renewed excitement thanks to my incredible team of supporters. I’d like to thank our track crew this weekend Joe Balson, Lyndon and Debbie Paradis, Brother Dan, Abby Todd and Graham Annis. Thank you for working so hard for us, we love you so much ❤️ Thanks to Rick Walt for being on the spotters stand, sorry you had to cut your RTR interview short to help me out, next time I’ll book through your agent 😂 Thank you to my 2022 sponsors, I need and appreciate all of you more than anything. You are all the reason we can bring the car to the track each weekend. London Recreational Racing Mike Schmidt (it didn’t look red in the sun 😂) Fix It Females - Anastasia and Team Qwick Wick Firestarters -Frank and Anneke Wall Luxe Beauty Boutique - Melanie C Cochrane Automotive - Rod and Barb Cochrane Brighton Speedway-Angie and Mark Rinaldi Hampton General Store- Rahim and Nasrin Mannheim Oil, #seewhatshecando , Waycred, True North Tradecraft, GTA Racing Design, AM Roofing #londonrecreational #drivelikeagirl #chevroletcamaro #oscaar #babeboss #racecar #hottod #pinkisin #whorunstheworld #womensupportingwomen #fixitfemales #luxebowmanville
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