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What a great day and an amazing way to celebrate #IWD2025, #FirstResponders, and the tremendous amount of community found throughout York Region (The Regional Municipality of York). Thank you Central York Fire Services for your excellent hospitality in hosting the 4th Annual INSPIRE #IWD First Responders Community Event. #SWSCD is proud to be apart of the many amazing organizations who support this event. #INSPIRE #CelebrateFirstResponders #SeeWhatSheCanDo #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #CommunityCounts
Happy International Women’s Day! A day to celebrate, showcase and focus on the extraordinary greatness women and girls bring to the table - regardless of whether the table is located in one’s home or in the largest company’s corporate offices. We celebrate. We appreciate. We shout it out to the world. Today also marks the 7th anniversary of #SWSCD. We are proud and honoured to have the backs of women; to support and showcase all that she can DO in the world of sport, recreation and play; and to lift women up through representation, inspiration and innovation. Together with our many supporters, we are building a world that is amazing and awe-inspiring for all. Let’s continue to invest in the power of women and in the power of possibility. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #IWD2025 #IWD #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #7thAnniversary #CommunityCounts #InvestInWomen #Teamwork
RT @cityofhamilton: Registration for Spring programs begins today #HamOnt! To register and learn more, please visit, https://t.co/EPUcgT8Be…
Celebrating all that she can DO as a first responder in York Region (The Regional Municipality of York). #SWSCD is honoured to introduce you to the following four first responders as featured for the 4th Annual INSPIRE IWD Event hosted by Central York Fire Services: CYFS Firefighter Miranda Hebert https://www.seewhatshecando.com/discover/inspire-meet-cyfs-firefighter-miranda-hebert-celebrating-international-women-s-day-2025 Ontario Provincial Police - Central Region Inspector/Detachment Commander Jennifer Neamtz https://www.seewhatshecando.com/discover/inspire-meet-opp-inspector-detachment-commander-jennifer-neamtz-celebrating-international-women-s-day-2025 York Region (The Regional Municipality of York) Paramedic Services Superintendent Tamara Steel https://www.seewhatshecando.com/discover/inspire-meet-york-region-paramedic-services-superintendent-tamara-steel-celebrating-international-women-s-day-2025 Richmond Hill Fire & Emergency Services Assistant Deputy Chief Allie Sornberger https://www.seewhatshecando.com/discover/inspire-meet-richmond-hill-fire-emergency-services-assistant-deputy-chief-allie-sornberger-celebrating-international-women-s-day-2025 #INSPIRE #IWD2025 #SeeWhatSheCanDo #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #CommunityCounts #CelebrateFirstResponders
Congratulations to @centralyorkfire #OPPCareers @yorkregionpolice and @yorkregiongovt #ParamedicServices and so many important safety and security agencies, community organizations, local businesses and community members who helped make the 4th Annual International Women’s Day INSPIRE First Responders Event such a success. With a purpose to celebrate and showcase first responders, build stronger community connections and mark #IWD2025 together, we want to thank everyone for participating, sharing and making this the best #INSPIRE Event yet. #SeeWhatSheCanDo #IWD #celebratefirstresponders #BeCelebrated #GetInspired #CommunityCounts #CommunityConnections #CYFS #YRP #OPP #YorkRegion
RT @Sport_Durham: On International Women's Day, we celebrate all the women who contribute to our safe, inclusive, and accessible sport comm…
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