Gather with fellow dog-lovers in your community for virtual talk and movement experiences like virtual at-home agility lessons, canine training, grooming tips, doga (dog yoga) live coordinated video hikes, mental health, virtual coffee time, and more.
Women and Dogs Circle
March 05
Hey all. A final reminder for this Saturday’s Community Forest Hike at Eldred King. Our first of the 2025 season. Come join and let’s celebrate IWD 2025 together. Hope to see you soon..
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Please let us know why you believe this item is in violation of our Terms of Use. We'll investigate and take action as necessary.November 23
Hey all. Just a quick reminder of this Saturday’s Forest Hike happening at Eldred King Forest at 9am. It’s the final hike for 2023 and we’d love to see you. Head to here - - to register and we’ll know to expect you. Hope to see you soon. Caroline
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You won’t want to miss this next event focused on dog rescue, adoption and fostering. Reserve your free spot
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Hi everyone. Thanks for coming out last night to learn about travelling, dining & exploring with your dogs. Here’s the presentation. Go to the end of Lynda’s part for her contact and chance to win a cruise. Full blog with video from last night to follow >>
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@womensdogcircle Hi all. Check out one of our latest SWSCD blogs shared by our partners - the OPP and Global Pet Foods - that will help keep you and your pet(s) safe when driving in the car together.
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Hi everyone, reminder our next forest hike is this Saturday at 9:30am. Reserve your spot!
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This Sunday’s Dog Paw-ty is being postponed to a future date yet to be determined. Thank-you to all who registered.
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Please let us know why you believe this item is in violation of our Terms of Use. We'll investigate and take action as necessary.July 05
$5 off Discount Code for Acupressure For Separation Anxiety Webinar is: MUTTZ. Hi women dog circle members get your ticket for July 28 Birch Wellness webinar If you cannot make the date and time (6:30pm EST) a replay will be sent to those who purchase a ticket.
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Please let us know why you believe this item is in violation of our Terms of Use. We'll investigate and take action as necessary.June 28
URGENT SURVEY: If you love hiking in York Regional Forests with your dog then please complete this survey and have your say. The region is exploring banning dogs from some local forests:!ut/p/z1/zVXLbsIwEPwajpGdB7E5uhFNSIFQFdokFxRCHm6JDYkLpV9fA-0Ngipqqb5Y3l3PeMfSLIhBCGKWbGmRCMpZspLnKLbnA-IOPO8B-oGFHUhgQHwDYdjvmuAZxCBep3QJIrS083RhI81OkKlZVq-r9XIj1azERD0dL5Z5YhyqUybWogTRvp6nnImMiQ7c8_pNHhpBxfsxUPIq68CMbWnNWXUM5bzOGtGciuusOL7wFOzAJlnyoqFMlNm5dEsSvFzrMZZpeGERKO_H10oiSYEuUeiuxNjSbAdmjNeVVP3pl6J6PwwIO8QjLpzA6QzBxz6ysD0cTYboVoYrDRhq4XW18KZSeKxWe_w34vgD6OhEwrtm34TEGDj4zvTx-F7t12K12gdqtQ_UihPcKo5_9KUWZ5P2btQjZ1RI2ESUGmU5B-G30YLwjFmGrUYLwtYkiOjrZhMTOQMOxv8hQ_9lCKyrCpt7jX3ejTXXWeDdNK-ubPudtyq-AN36_Hc!/dz/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/#.YNpkjRNKhp9
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Nutrition video, tips & home made treats. Find it all in Venessa’s blog:
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Correction for Juno Pet Foods 10% SeeWhatSheCanDo Discount Code effective until June 21 11:59pm. The correct code is: Hi dog lovers. Here’s your Juno Pet Foods 10% Discount Code effective until June 21 11:59pm: Seewhatshecando10
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Sorry I missed the dog nutrition evening.
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@orangevest13 we missed you last night! Stay tuned here for an upcoming blog and video recording of the experience. We will post in the coming days.
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Check out Muttz With Mannerz Dog Summer Safety Guide to keep your dog safe as summer approaches:
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Dr. Marie was wonderful and she provided lots of great information!
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We agree! Thanks Dr. Marie
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Did you miss the Ask the Vet Experience last week? Watch the video and view Dr. Ashbourne’s presentation here:
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Ask the vet night is TONIGHT! Get your ticket here:
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Hi everyone. Women and Dogs Circle member @staceyhoffman took some time to share with SWSCD how she makes the most of her time walking her two dogs Tiko and Casey. She’s captured some pretty amazing moments while out on the trails with her pups. Have a read for yourself. Thx for sharing your story and photos @staceyhoffman .
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Love the video of the dogs doing their tricks!
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Hi everyone, check out the newly released video showcasing your pups tricks from last week + training tips.
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Get your ticket for Monday night for awesome grooming tips.
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I don’t see the website link for the
night.Report a policy violation
Please let us know why you believe this item is in violation of our Terms of Use. We'll investigate and take action as necessary.April 30
Hi @orangevest13 If you haven’t already, you just need to register for the event via the snapd link I’ve provided to confirm you’re coming. We will then send you a meeting link directly via email a few days prior to the event. Hope this clarifies things for you.
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DIY Dog Agility Course videos just released. Check them out along with a fun photo of all the cute agility pups from last week:
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2nite is agility night. Get your ticket here
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Great to meet everyone!
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For next weeks agility bring Broom stick, books, chairs, blanket, string/yarn or a hula hoop
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Can’t wait for tonight!
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Hope you are bringing Charlie!
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Looking forward to our first session and meeting all you ladies and your dogs
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Looking forward to meeting all your dog lovers and your pups tonight. Check your email for login instructions!
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