When I was young, I liked playing all kinds of sports. Didn't matter what. New game in gym class? I'm in. Sport I had never tried before? Why not? Moving to Canada from the mountains of Virginia has also given me a vast new set of experiences to enjoy. I have since done a 100km bike ride (once is enough), cycled through Austria and Germany (don't go right to left..it's uphill), learned to ski (I'm a solid blue trail plower), learned to enjoy hockey and ringette (watching only), watched some cricket and learned to skate (only one suspected concussion). I'm sure there is more I have forgotten. But one sport I have tried twice, and am firm on my knowledge that I will not likely ever become good at, is curling. I'm just not built for it. I have no balance and ice isn't good for me. :)
But now, as a sports photographer, I can enjoy the games I may not be good at, as I can sit in the middle of the action and capture the emotion and excitement. This is why I love photography. The emotion of it all. The hard work and sacrifice that participants put into it, in hopes of having those moments of success while understanding it could all still end without the final prize.
SeeWhatSheCanDo gave me a wonderful opportunity to be a part of that excitement at one of the biggest events in Ontario for curling when I covered the 2019 Ontario Provincial Championships in Feb. I got to sit right on the ice (yes, it was cold) and be right in the middle of the action. I loved every second of it. And I eventually bought a heat seat. ;)
No matter where this journey of photography takes me, I am up for the challenge of learning new things. I am excited to see what sports and activities I can highlight so that others can also get out of their comfort zone and try new things!
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tinafinelli almost 6 years
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Please let us know why you believe this item is in violation of our Terms of Use. We'll investigate and take action as necessary.Love that you love learning new things. I feel exactly the same way. Good for the body mind and soul . Thanks for sharing.