Girl Power 4 Hour!
The Women's 4 Hour Mountain Bike Relay is all about the camaraderie, sportsmanship and the enjoyment of riding with friends. The Women's 4 Hour relay is a personal and team challenge to complete as many laps as possible. Whether riding just for fun, or vying for a podium spot in your category, the Women's 4 Hour will be a memorable experience. Using Ontario’s premier Mountain Bike destinations and trails, the Women's 4 Hour promises the best in facilities, fun and varied courses, and support for riders.
What is it?
The Women's 4 Hour takes place over a 4 hour time frame on two 6 km loop courses which start and finish at the same location. The object is not to finish first, but to complete the greatest number of laps before the end of the event. There is a Solo category for the hard cores, but most people do it as a 2 Female, 3-4 Female Team. Only one member of the team is on the course at any one time, in other words you take turns riding.
Why do it?
There are several reasons why its’ more fun than a conventional race.
Because the race is defined by time, not distance, nobody finishes “last”. All riders finish the race at about the same time. Slower riders can ride at their own pace without feeling like they are “holding up” anyone. Faster riders who want a good workout can put in more laps and ride more distance. Riders can choose an easier or harder 6 km loop, depending on which lap(s) they choose to ride.
When your team-mate is out riding, you get to relax, hang out with friends at the start/finish area, and watch the progress of the other teams.
So if you have never participated in an organized mountain biking event, it’s a good chance to give it a try, challenge yourself, meet some other riders, and celebrate our sport!
The Course:
The Women's 4 Hour courses are approx. 6km, comprised of some of the most fun, fast and rolling trails. There are two choices of courses. The 'white' course is ridden on odd number laps, and is a fun, fast, non-technical course for newer riders or just to go fast. The 'blue' course is ridden on even number laps, and is fun more challenging course for somewhat experienced riders. Between your teammate(s) you choose who gets to ride which course. Solo riders will do both courses on odd and even laps.
• Awards to Top three teams and solo in each category
• Race Souvenir T-Shirt (for first 150 registered riders)
• Each team member get a Souvenir Number Plate
• Awards for the top three teams in each category
• Awesome race course on some of Ontario’s best trails
• Computerized Timing for instantaneous results
• Saturday May 18 – Deadline for Early Entry Discount, and deadline to guarantee a T-Shirt.
You just need to commit by entering your team, and can leave team members blank if don’t have a full roster. You can add or change team members right up to race day.
• Wednesday, May 29 – Final Entry deadline at midnight!
• Saturday, June 1
8:00 am – 9:45 am – Package Pick-up and Waiver check.
9:30 am – Team Captains Meeting
10:00 am – START Women`s 4 Hour Relay
2:00 pm – Course Closed, no new riders on course
2:20 pm – Last rider to count
2:45 pm – Awards and Draw Prizes
Team captains are to enter on-line for the Team. You should submit your entire team roster on your registration. If there are changes, please email us your new team rosters at least 3 days before the event to keep registration delays to a minimum on event site. In case of last minute emergency, you can still change your team rosters on site before the event. email:
NOTE: No Day-of Entry – FINAL Entry Deadline – Wednesday May 29 at midnight.
Solo – A personal challenge for one rider to complete as many laps as possible in 4 hours.
• categories: Female 16-34 yrs / Female 35-49 yrs / Female 50+ yrs
• entry fee: $65.00 *early bird entry $53.00
2 Person Relay Team – Two riders alternate laps, tag team style, to complete as many laps as possible. Each rider must complete at least one lap
• categories: Female combined age 79 & under / Female combined age 80 & over
• entry fee: $122.00 *early bird entry $99.00
3-4 Person Relay Team – A team of up to 4 riders alternate laps, relay style, to complete as many laps as possible in 4 hours. Each rider must complete at least one lap. Lap order may change at the team discretion. Team category is based on the total combined age of 4 riders (or 4 times the average age of 3 riders)
• categories: Female combined age 119 & under / Female combined age 120 – 149 / Female combined age 150 & over
• entry fee: $230.00 *early bird entry $189.00
*Minimum age for Solo riders is 16 yrs, minimum age for team riders 10 yrs.
*Early bird entry available until May 18 at midnight. FINAL Entry Deadline – Wednesday May 29 at midnight. No Day-of Entry
*The team captain should show up early to pick up the race package for their teams on Saturday.
You will pick up your number plates, schwagg and make sure all the team information we have is correct. This is a pretty simple process and it will be your job to pass out the number plates to the rest of your team mates. The event site isn’t huge so finding your team mates shouldn’t be a problem.
*Waiver Check – Licence and Permits:
Your entry fee includes all OCA licence and permit fees. We are trying to simplify the entire process, and continue to support the OCA athlete development programs.
Each rider must still complete and sign the event waiver to receive a wrist band allowing them onto course. This process will be open until early afternoon and individual riders can go through this process at their own leisure, but they must get the wrist band before riding.