Hello! My name is Michelle Graham and I absolutely love sports. I have enjoyed being active since I could walk and was doing headstands before then. I LOVE watching people push themselves and achieve their dreams and just have fun doing the things they love. Whether it is competing to represent your country in the Olympics, pushing yourself to climb a mountain or enjoying quiet bicycle rides through shady forests. You may enjoy the challenge or the fresh air or the scenery or just the feeling of accomplishment from being active. I like to capture those memories of elation, of absolute exhaustion, triumph, defeat, pride, and all emotions in between. I want to take pictures that can make those who see them feel the emotion. I want cold chills.
Everyone loves pictures of their children playing games and competing on different teams. They only stay small for so long and the next thing you know they are moving out and doing their own dishes. So I started taking sports action photos to capture my own kids playing basketball, hockey and riding horses. From there on in I was hooked. Kids love to see themselves and I love making them feel like they are superstars and get to have great action shots like their heros on professional sports teams. This was a driving force for me.
But I have recently discovered new sports I had never heard of (pickleball), and now I have shot several local tournaments and the Ontario Provincial Pickleball championships. Guess what!? Us older folks love action shots also. And I love the idea that parents can proudly display (or tuck into albums for private viewing ;) their own sports photos and model a more active lifestyle for their children.
Bottom line, I love taking pictures and being in the sports atmosphere. The more emotion involved the better. I look forward to all the exciting events and activities I will be lucky enough to photograph in the future, and maybe I will see you out there!
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tinafinelli 6 years
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Please let us know why you believe this item is in violation of our Terms of Use. We'll investigate and take action as necessary.Hi Michelle, great work on the photos. I’ve been following all your great sport coverage on SWSCD. Welcome to our community!
Focus Sport Fotos (FSFotos) 6 years
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Please let us know why you believe this item is in violation of our Terms of Use. We'll investigate and take action as necessary.Thank you so much! I hope to be here a while and expand my coverage to many different sports and activities!