When hockey finished last season and the sun warmed the new grass, I took a break from shooting sports photography. I had processed over 70 hockey games, lots of ringette, an amazing curling event, and other cold weather fun. I was ready for some sun, a fishing pole, and a good book. After a short break from my camera, I picked it up again and started shooting my daughter's equestrian events. Then I went on summer vacation and I found myself taking pictures of wildlife and nature with a ferocity I hadn't known was in me. I received a large zoom lens as a gift and my curiosity became an obsession.
I have always liked the outdoors but I never really spent a lot of time on my own just exploring. Not since I was a kid. But armed with an amazing new lens and a killer desire to nab the next national geographic cover shot, I spent days wandering the forests of Waterloo Region. My favorite wandering place became the Rare Charitable Research Reserve in Cambridge, ON. I would spend upwards of 7 hours just wandering along all the trails and capturing birds and racking up over 10,000 steps on a single hike.
I knew I was getting exercise and I was very happy with the new photos I was collecting (along with a lot of bird identification knowledge). What I didn't realize I was getting was therapy. I felt happy and at peace while I was just listening to the birds and finding nice spots to stop and sit and look out over the river. I knew we had some wonderful spots in the region, but I didn't know we had such amazing locations to spot more bird species than I even knew existed in the area. I had never even seen an Egret til this summer.
After a few weeks, I knew the paths and best places to catch sight of certain birds like the back of my hand. I got a couple of shots of an Osprey fishing that made me giddy. I had an amazing day wandering and getting some really lovely shots. This was indeed my happy place. No doubt. Unfortunately, that same day, as I returned to my car, I found my back window smashed and my hidden purse/wallet stolen from my car. My day crashed and my life was put on hold to get things sorted. That event definitely dented my view of my perfect place.
But, like all things shiny and new, they eventually get a few dings. I want to be mad. And I am. However, I still love my happy place. I love what I experienced there and I know I will be back. Although maybe I will take a cab. :)
I may not get to see my happy place much over the winter. But who knows - winter walks may be just as amazing, but with fewer birds. Until then, maybe I will see you around town or at a local rink. I hope I do!
Anyone interested in seeing some of the highlights of my nature adventures this past summer can check out my nature portfolio here: https://www.fsfotos.ca/nature-wildlife
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carolinewiley over 5 years
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