The tremendous efforts of volunteers, officials, organizers, coaches, and athletes have hugely paid off with an outstanding action-packed week at the 2018 Canadian Ringette Championships in Winnipeg, Manitoba. On the night before closing ceremonies, we celebrate the volunteers, officials, organizers, coaches, athletes and fans who made it happen with our CRC 2018 Photo Gallery. Find yourself or someone you know in our photo blog and share it out to shine the spotlight on this fantastic ringette community,
Did you watch the action? Share your favourite photos and moments on our Discover Blog by clicking "Share Your Story" or use our hashtag #seewhatshecando in social media.
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Need a place to coordinate and connect with your ringette team? Find or start a ringette group on our SWSCD Hub.
Look for advice, stories, news and more on our Ringette activity page.
Photos by Caroline Wiley. Caroline bridged her 20+ years of professional experience in the sport and recreation industry together with her passions for photography and supporting women in sport to create SeeWhatSheCanDo. Her vision is to create a welcoming space where active women find a sense of belonging within a local community, see themselves in authentic and awe-inspiring ways and find resources to help them be their best active selves.
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nancymcmurray almost 7 years
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